Saturday 7 May 2011


it is when my body wakes up, rocked by your warm voice

it is when i hover the deepest of valleys, carried by your hugs

it is when your gaze turns the blinding sun away from my eyes

it is when my tears evaporate with your magmatic touch

it is when you catch stars and put them in my hands with your laughs

it is when your hand cradles my heart on my sick bed

it is when your bright smile freezes my senses

it is when your love devours me 

it is when suddenly the two of us is all there is

it is when you pin me down with the lion paw of your caring remarks

it is when i try to catch every breath to stay alive 

it is when i run around savannas trying to catch you

it is when your tear drop quenches a desert's thirst

it is when you are that i am

it is when i am in love with you

it is when i am... bradycardic


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